Why Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

  • Posted by John Thomas
  • at 12:56 PM -

Fats have always had a bad reputation. We work in partnership with the fat when really big, in fact, the two things could not be more different. For decades, we mistakenly believed that fats should be avoided at all costs.We believed that eating fats increase our cholesterol, hardens the arteries and eventually lead us to early graves. We are so afraid of fat, which are of natural origin, which even renounced in favor of the over-processed, "low fat" foods impossible to pronounce ingredients. In summary, the fats were considered the enemy. However, the truth is that we threw. Fats are not our enemies. In fact, a high fat diet can provide many benefits to virtually all areas of health. Read on to discover all the benefits that fats have to offer!The low-fat mythIn the late 1980s and early 1990s, the market was flooded with labeled "low fat" and "low calorie" foods. Promising weight loss and better health, low-fat "diet" foods has increased in popularity and included almost every conceivable type of processed foods: cookies, cakes, breads, pastas, sauces and condiments, to name a few. They consumed in large amounts, thinking finally a way to eat unhealthy foods traditionally without suffering the consequences. We could have our cake and eat it, so to speak.However, the joke was on us. Most foods low in fat, low in calories were packed with unhealthy ingredients that not only cause weight gain, but also have a strong impact on overall health. For example, some common ingredients of low fat foods include starches, sugar and artificial sweeteners, MSG, preservatives and other potentially harmful chemicals. These foods do not promote weight loss or improve their health. In fact, research suggests that the madness of low-fat foods may be partly responsible for the rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes.Why Do We Need FatsTherefore, if the low-fat foods are bad for us, it is possible that fats are good for us? The answer is yes. The following is a summary of the reasons why our bodies need fat to survive and prosper.Accumulated in our body fat protects and cushions the bones and vital organs. Fat also helps to store and transport the nutrients to all parts of the body and plays an important role in brain function. This fat is stored when we consume more calories than you burn, regardless of the source of calories. In other words, our bodies store fat, even if you never ate fatty foods.There are four main types of fats found in the foods we eat:, trans fats, saturated and unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Saturated fats are found in animal sources such as milk, meat, eggs, etc. Saturated fats are found in vegetable sources include olive, canola, soy and vegetables. Trans fats are the result of curing unsaturated fats found in margarine and many processed, either naturally or because of food processing food and. The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseed and walnuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to health, but they are not naturally produced by the body. That means getting this type of fat from the diet is very important. Despite these fatty acids have different effects on our body, we'll take a look at the benefits:Energy from fatWhen we think of the fuel for our body fat rarely integrated into the equation. However, fats actually provide more energy than any other nutrient. In addition, fat is the primary source of fuel when running sports long-term tasks such as running or playing basketball games. Fat energy is the main reason for our body stores fat in the first place! We need fat to survive, just.Factor AntioxidantAntioxidants are powerful chemicals that destroy disease and rid the body of toxins. Without antioxidants, our immunity is extremely vulnerable and our bodies are not able to repair the damage and to produce new cells and disease free.Fortunately, there are several food sources that provide high levels of antioxidants, some of which include berries, carrots, vegetables and yes, fat. The polyunsaturated fatty acids in olive oils, sunflower and soybean are rich in antioxidants and help the body to repair damage caused by a variety of toxins. Saturated fats also offer protection against the disease, produces some free radicals and improve the capacity of liver cleansing system.Fat-soluble vitaminsThe importance of adequate vitamin can not be denied. Without proper nutrition in our food, almost all areas of health suffer. However, sometimes the vitamins are not enough. Many vitamins and minerals substances allowing them to be absorbed and utilized by the body. For example, the body can not absorb calcium without the accompaniment of vitamin D. Similarly, many vitamins are fat soluble, which means they are unable to be used as fuel and nutrition without certain types of fat.Some are fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D and E. Together these vitamins promote healthy immunity, bone density, muscle function, vision and more. So how can we ensure that these vitamins are absorbed and processed properly by the body? The answer is simple: eat fat. For example, a vitamin rich with fresh vegetables salad and other vegetables can be covered with olive oil or animal fat to promote maximum solubility.Fats and Brain HealthA large part of the human brain is composed of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is obvious that a certain amount of fat is needed to support the healthy functioning of the brain. The fat in the membranes of brain cells form, in turn, these membranes are responsible for any cell production and function in the body. Pretty impressive, no? Without healthy fats, the membranes of the brain are unable to produce high quality cells, which can harm the nervous system and general health. However, healthy fats allow the brain to produce high functioning, healthy cells, leading to an increase in the protection of the body.In general, the best fat for brain function are healthy omega 3 fatty acids, found in foods such as salmon and other freshwater fish, seeds, nuts and avocados.Fat nutritionContrary to popular belief, fats are full of nutrition. Here are some examples:Vitamin E, which plays an important role in the functioning of the heart and brain.Choline, which promotes liver health.Vitamin K12, which is essential for immunity, health and metabolism of the artery.Vitamin D, which increases brain function and helps the body absorb calcium and other nutrients.Misconceptions surrounding diets rich in fatThe benefits of dietary fat can not be denied. But is there a downside? What is cholesterol, weight gain and hardening of the arteries? The following is an in depth look at all the misconceptions surrounding the high-fat diets:

Fat and Cholesterol

When it comes to diets high in fat, cholesterol is a major concern for most. Cholesterol is a term used to describe the different types of fats in the blood. These fats or lipids are LDL and HDL cholesterol, also known as "bad" and "good" HDL cholesterol, respectively. High levels of LDL cholesterol has been known to incite panic in a number of people, and is a major concern for most others. And it is true that high levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to heart disease and heart failure, there is no evidence to support claims that, in most people, the food we eat affect levels of cholesterol in any form.

Fat and weight gain

Is the fat that makes us fat? Surprisingly, the answer is a resounding no. Fat alone does not make us fat. In fact, the only way a diet high in fat causes weight gain when eaten in large amounts of carbohydrates. And yet, are carbohydrates that cause any weight gain. Carbohydrates are less fill up quickly and used by the body for energy, so it is easy to exaggerate the bread, pasta, etc. fats, on the other hand, fuel slowly, which is part of Check least a challenge.
Plans like the Atkins diet, which focuses on eliminating carbohydrates and consuming large amounts of protein and fat, are proof that fat makes us fat. Basically, it is just the opposite is true. And avoiding all carbs can be difficult, limiting the protein and fat often recommended for weight loss. In addition, studies show that diets high in fat not only promote weight loss, but also increase muscle mass and reduce body fat.
fat artery and health

The idea that fat harden the arteries is a common concern. We can eat toast with butter, then get a mental image of butter in our blood, with all other fat consumed in our lives, clogging our arteries and destroy our health. However, this is not exactly how it works. Hardening of the arteries, and its resulting complications, is a complex process that depends on a variety of factors, including genetics, age, and even race. The fats we eat are not resident in our blood and hardens the arteries themselves.
For optimal health, the human body needs dietary fats of all kinds. And that is not necessarily a good idea to eat meat, or anything else, for that matter, beyond, is probably part of a balanced diet. Fats are not poison, but they are our friends.


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